1890 NY Times Article: Race Of Giants Discovered In New York

An 1890 New York Times article has been unearthed which describes the stunning archaeological discovery of “a race of Indian giants.”

Source: 1890 NY Times Article: Race Of Giants Discovered In New York

The article states that about fifty skeletons of Indians were found at an Indian graveyard near Edgewater-avenue in Pleasantville, with many of them measuring 7 feet tall and one measuring 8 feet tall. reports: The first lot of skeletons unearthed was about one thousand yards from the city post office and embraced eight bodies, closely laid together in a deep chamber, snugly packed in with tortoise, oyster, and clam shells.

One of this number had bead and shells decorations, which together, which its extreme height, points to the fact that it must have been the powerful old chief Kieawaughs, whose descendants still own farms along the shore.

Prof. C. H. Farrel of Baltimore, Charles K. Simpson of New York, John H. Cooley, Jr., of New Haven, Conn., and several gentlemen from the University of Pennsylvania immediately went to the scene.

Messars, Risley and Farr, the owners of the land, gave to the anthropological association of the University of Pennsylvania the right to search for relics on their land. (more)

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